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    My Most Preferred Vendors and Resources

    Moving Company:
    Firefighters on the Move  http://firefightersonthemove.com/ | (402) 850-0145
    Black Belt Movers https://www.blackbeltmovers.com/ | (877) 709-0970

    Integrity Plumbing http://integrityplumbingomaha.com/ | (402) 763-9916

    General Contractor:
    Walls 2 Floors  https://www.walls2floors.com/ | (402) 445-8814
    DAD Construction – Dave Avila | (402) 812-3298

    Leapin’ Lizard https://leapinlizardlocksmiths.com/ | (402) 991-5327
    Elmer’s, https://elmerslockandsafe.com | (402) 676-8973

    Custom Electric: http://www.customelectricinc.com/
    Tri Phase Electric https://www.triphase-electric.com | (402) 593-0371

    Mixan Mudjacking | 402-612-8947 | (402) 253-2236
    The Driveway Company

    House Cleaner:
    Carmen Arana | 402-210-6121

    Interior Decorator:
    Croom Hoskinson Design Co.| Christy Croom (402) 214-3985
    Artistico – artisticodesiign.net | Stacie Muhle (402) 650-6526

    Mortgage Loan Officer:
    PK Kopun, Centris Federal Credit Union, [email protected] | (402) 697-6763
    Jeremy Wilhelm, The Private Mortgage Group https://www.theprivatemortgagegroup.com/jeremywilhelm/
    Becky Sandiland, First National Bank https://bsandiland-firstnational1lo.mortgagewebcenter.com/

    Closing Company:
    Ambassador Title Services www.atsomaha.com | (402) 884-4500

    Blake Schneiderwind, www.eslaw.com, [email protected] | (402) 384-6883

    Financial Advisor:
    Ryan McQuillan, Prudential Financial  https://www.prudential.com/advisor/ryan-mcquillan
    Matt Maryott, Mutual of Omaha

    Thomas Thomas CPA  http://www.thomasthomascpa.com/ | (402) 597-0870

    Insurance Agent:
    Mick Manley, Farmer’s Insurance, [email protected] | 402-391-1656
    Jen Molina, My Insurance, [email protected] | (402) 991-6688

    Carpet Cleaning:
    Top Gun Carpet Care – Marshall | (402) 320 – 5257

    Skradski Heating & Cooling, https://heatomaha.com | (402) 858 – 0734

    Sprinkler Companies:
    Millard Sprinkler, https://www.millardsprinkler.com | (402) 894-1199
    Ground Builders, https://www.groundbuilders.com | (402) 515-8779

    D&M Roofing, Eric Oberembt, https://dandmroofing.com/omaha-nebraska/ | (402) 289-4776

    Claxton Fireplace Center, https://www.claxtonfireplace.com | (402) 491-0800

    Duct Cleaning:
    Sharp Carpet & Air Duct Cleaning, https://www.sharpcarpetcleaningomaha.com/omaha/ | (402) 965-1891

    Radon Mitigation Installation:
    Professional House Doctors, Joel Webber, [email protected] | (402) 493-2580

    Restoration Services:
    PuroClean Restoration Services, Chris Paul https://www.puroclean.com | 800-775-7876

    Painting Professional:
    Jordan Frost, [email protected] | 402-707-8555

    Home Warranty Company:
    2-10 Home Warranty, (800) 795-9595

    Termite Inspections/Treatment:
    Red Termite, https://redtermite.com | (402) 715-5760
    Bug-Z, http://bugzpest.net | (402) 991-4005

    New Carpet Installation:
    Carpet Land, Kevin Cupps, https://carpetlandonline.com | (402) 614-6666

    Junk Removal:
    Calvin Lyncook, (402) 612-9932